Attitude of a Conqueror

#1 Changing Your Perspective

I have the freedom to choose

God qualified each of us to share in the inheritance of his kingdom through the blood of Jesus Christ. Rescued us from the dominion of darkness, and brought us in the kingdom of light (Col. 1:12-14). Sin had control over our entire being, causing us to be apart from God; unable to know him and serve him. So, a transaction had to take place. Christ’s blood purchased us, bringing forgiveness and redeeming us to God himself. Sin has no more claim over us. Apart from salvation, we can not have God’s victory (1 John 5:4-5). When Jesus died on the cross he proclaimed “finished”. He has complete victory over the satanic realm and every area it dominates. It has no authority. Anyone who comes to Christ has this same victory, lived out through each day of their existence. The power of God works within overcoming the influencing powers of darkness. We who have received forgiveness now have total victory. We can choose to act in the righteousness of God, receive his grace, by his Spirit, and have eternal life. Something we had no right to before salvation. Thus, no sin should not reign or have control over our physical bodies or minds (Romans 7:22-25). He who the Son has set free, has freedom indeed.

I have the confidence to excel

Spiritual growth is a process, and life is the opportunity for it. In the bible spiritual growth equals perfection. Perfection is maturity. Picked fruit is ready and eaten, when it is ripe (matured). There are seasons or cycles for everything. God often uses situations in life to perfect the faith of the believer. That growing faith takes us from one level to the next. We start one place and we finish in another. There will be opposition without and within. We don’t always enjoys the growth process. Sometimes, it is lengthy, full of waiting and opposition. Christ said in the world we face troubles, but through him we overcome the world. The race is not given to the swift, nor the strong, but to those who endure to the end. James declares that trouble is the place where God’s grace and wisdom can abound. A place where faith strengthens (James 1:2-5). To succeed at any goal there is work, self-examination, and commitment. Our willingness to sacrifice is often determined by the reward we are expecting. God has laid up for us a crown, if we endure. Be determined to press for the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14). We must be willing to laid aside our past (i.e. sins, accomplishments, failures, etc.), and move on towards God purpose. He will perfect what concerns you, and provide everything you need for life, and godliness. He has committed himself to doing this. Nothing compares to the joy he has prepared for you. For this joy, He endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God (Hebrews 12:1-4).

I am shifting my focus

God desires us to be in a place where we don’t react to circumstances. Don’t let momentary troubles get all your attention. Fix your heart on God (Psalm 57:7). Paul, in a letter of encouragement to the Philippians, expressed thanks and reward. God, once again supplied his need by their kindness. Even when people are unable, God is able. He tells them how he has come to depend on Christ for total satisfaction. Paul experienced many different seasons. But he believed his strength was through Christ (Philippians 4:13). What liberation Paul had gained in the midst of his adversities. He had learned to stable his faith, and find satisfaction in God’s grace given him (2 Corinthians 12:9-10).