Attitude of a Conqueror

#1 Changing Your Perspective

I have the freedom to choose

God qualified each of us to share in the inheritance of his kingdom through the blood of Jesus Christ. Rescued us from the dominion of darkness, and brought us in the kingdom of light (Col. 1:12-14). Sin had control over our entire being, causing us to be apart from God; unable to know him and serve him. So, a transaction had to take place. Christ’s blood purchased us, bringing forgiveness and redeeming us to God himself. Sin has no more claim over us. Apart from salvation, we can not have God’s victory (1 John 5:4-5). When Jesus died on the cross he proclaimed “finished”. He has complete victory over the satanic realm and every area it dominates. It has no authority. Anyone who comes to Christ has this same victory, lived out through each day of their existence. The power of God works within overcoming the influencing powers of darkness. We who have received forgiveness now have total victory. We can choose to act in the righteousness of God, receive his grace, by his Spirit, and have eternal life. Something we had no right to before salvation. Thus, no sin should not reign or have control over our physical bodies or minds (Romans 7:22-25). He who the Son has set free, has freedom indeed.

I have the confidence to excel

Spiritual growth is a process, and life is the opportunity for it. In the bible spiritual growth equals perfection. Perfection is maturity. Picked fruit is ready and eaten, when it is ripe (matured). There are seasons or cycles for everything. God often uses situations in life to perfect the faith of the believer. That growing faith takes us from one level to the next. We start one place and we finish in another. There will be opposition without and within. We don’t always enjoys the growth process. Sometimes, it is lengthy, full of waiting and opposition. Christ said in the world we face troubles, but through him we overcome the world. The race is not given to the swift, nor the strong, but to those who endure to the end. James declares that trouble is the place where God’s grace and wisdom can abound. A place where faith strengthens (James 1:2-5). To succeed at any goal there is work, self-examination, and commitment. Our willingness to sacrifice is often determined by the reward we are expecting. God has laid up for us a crown, if we endure. Be determined to press for the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14). We must be willing to laid aside our past (i.e. sins, accomplishments, failures, etc.), and move on towards God purpose. He will perfect what concerns you, and provide everything you need for life, and godliness. He has committed himself to doing this. Nothing compares to the joy he has prepared for you. For this joy, He endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God (Hebrews 12:1-4).

I am shifting my focus

God desires us to be in a place where we don’t react to circumstances. Don’t let momentary troubles get all your attention. Fix your heart on God (Psalm 57:7). Paul, in a letter of encouragement to the Philippians, expressed thanks and reward. God, once again supplied his need by their kindness. Even when people are unable, God is able. He tells them how he has come to depend on Christ for total satisfaction. Paul experienced many different seasons. But he believed his strength was through Christ (Philippians 4:13). What liberation Paul had gained in the midst of his adversities. He had learned to stable his faith, and find satisfaction in God’s grace given him (2 Corinthians 12:9-10).

Spirtual Landmines (Part 2)

The danger of these devices that lie beneath the surface of the heart, is that they deceive. They smoother freedom. And cause damage to our relationships, spiritual faith, and maturity.  We harbor and hold them close. Giving them power to destroy us and others if we don’t deal with them once we detect them. The following are examples of landmines that I have encountered in my own life. They serve as a beginning place of self-examination for any growing Christian.

Spirit of Pride (Arrogance)

Exaggerated image of self. Overconfidence. Presumptuous. Conceited. These are a few words that describe the one who is full of pride or arrogance. They will “leap without looking”. They know what is best for them and will not seek counsel from another, and refuse wisdom. They esteem themselves higher than others. Pride is not the same as being proud. A person who is proud feels a sense of accomplishment when he or she has attained a certain goal. They realize the efforts and hard work it took to get there, not only theirs but through the help of others. The spiritual minded person will know it was by God’s grace, guidance and provision. A person filled with pride will feel that he or she made it alone. Arrogant people will reflect themselves, and not the glory of God. 

Unchecked Appetites and Affections

A appetite is a desire or craving. You can crave a certain thing (like food) and will seek something to fill that desire. You are going to look for the fulfillment of that which you are desiring. Desires can be good or bad. Seeking fulfillment can take you down a path to right or wrong, good or evil. James says that our desires drive us to give in to our temptations. Do you desire that which is good or that which is evil? They that hunger and thirst for righteousness meet righteousness. Is your thirst for God and are you letting him fill it? 

Prayer-less (Unpreparedness)

We commune with God through prayer. Prayer is a way to have conversation, but also to experience worship of God. In prayer we can offer thanksgiving, make requests, and receive instructions. Prayer is an exercise of faith. The one who comes to God must believe that he exists and that he is a rewarder of those who seek him (diligently). Prayer develops patience. We must position ourselves to hear his answers to our requests. This can take time to learn. Prayer is a weapon of spiritual warfare. We can make intercession for ourselves and others. Through it, we seek God’s wisdom on how to handle situations. To prepare something is to make ready before hand or in advance. Prayer will prepare us for what is to come and accept the will of God. The word of God encourages us to be alert- watch as well as pray. A prayer-less life is a reckless and careless life. We have privilege to come before a living God who will hear and answer us. We have to make time to pray. Which often requires laying aside all excuses and pulling away from all distractions. 

Unhealthy Connections

Unhealthy bonds create ties. Sometimes we have close knit friendships that keep us from growing in the Lord. If relationships are unhealthy, they cause us to compromise. We can choose friendships based on many things. But, danger lies beneath relationships normalizing a sinful lifestyle. Bad company corrupts good character. Move away unhealthy connections. Draw closer to believers who will encourage you to walk in God’s grace.  Influencing you to do good works. 

Spiritual Landmines (Part 1)

The danger of these devices that lie beneath the surface of the heart, is that they deceive. They smoother freedom. And cause damage to our relationships, spiritual faith, and maturity. We harbor and hold them close. Giving them power to destroy us and others if we don’t deal with them once we detect them. The following are examples of landmines that I have encountered in my own life. They serve as a beginning place of self-examination for any growing Christian.

Cherished Sin

“If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:8-10).
Ezekiel 18:30 “Repent, and turn from all your transgressions, so that iniquity will not be your ruin.” When we cover our sin it destroys us from the inside out. This is not always immediate. Over time we find ourselves deteriorating in many ways. The hunger for the word of God diminishes, and we lose our “emotional” connection with the Lord. We grow cold to his presence, any break our fellowship.
Sin causes a breach between us and God, if it goes un-confessed. Like a wall, it causes division. The reality is, that wall separates us from God. See, on one side of the wall is God and on the other side is us. And the middle is that sin, starring both us and God in the face. Add to that the guilt that causes us to hid from the Lord, like Adam in the Garden of Eden.
“ Come let us reason together, though your sins be like scarlet, they will be as white as snow, though they are red like crimson, they will be like wool” (Isaiah 1:18).
God is always ready to forgive. When we confess something we give it up or uncover it. Say “Here it is God”. To repent means to turn and walk away from. When we do these, the word of God promises that “the blood of Jesus, his son, will cleanse us”, and we will have restoration. The holy spirit will always show us any sin in our lives that we need to deal with. It is then our choice to come to the Lord. Do not cherish sin; do not regard iniquity in your heart. Be willing to let go of any thing that would hinder your walk in the Lord.


When someone hurts or offends us we can choose to keep a record of that wrong. In our mind, we account a description of that offense: the time, date, and name of the individual who did it to us. Often rehearsing it over and over. We may reinforce the experience by comparing it with other negative memories. Driving it deeper into our hearts. The danger is that over time, it turns into bitterness. Un-forgiveness can cause us emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual anguish. It will be uncomfortable learning to forgive. But it brings freedom. It releases those who are “indebted” to us from a debt that they could never repay. It releases us from the baggage we would carry, and makes the pathway of our hearts open to healing. This healing can be great or small depending on the degree of pain caused. Forgiveness is not denial. Although God commands us to forgive others, it is always, always our choice.

Wrong Motives

Motives can be either good or bad. Bad motives drive the flesh, and not characteristic of God’s Spirit. They lead us to violate God’s moral laws. Why do you do what you do? Does it please man or God? Appearances is the word that comes to mind when thinking of the word “motives”. A person can appear to be one thing, but the whole time actually be something else. Something can appear to be good for you, but the whole time be the thing that causes you death. Motives start in the heart. What is your motivation? The heart can be very deceitful. Always present your heart to the Lord. His word is sharp and weighs our thoughts and intentions (Hebrew 4:12). Our motives compels us. We can position ourselves to love, compassion, goodness, or faithfulness. When our motives are off we can misuse or abuse for our own pleasure or gain. They can also cause certain prays to go unanswered. Wrong motives can lead us to greed, pride, selfishness, self-glory, or revenge to get what we want. We must discern our motives by holding our hearts out in the light of His word. If not, we will go down paths away from God.

Disobedience (Rebellion)

Disobedience is knowing what is right and refusing it. When a person is resistant, they are choosing to follow their own way over God’s way. God has laws-truth that he expects us to follow, and when we refuse his ways we are rebellious. Rebellion is an act of defiance. It is the hardened (stubborn) heart that blocks truth. It does not submit to God’s authority. God considers disobedience or rebellion as the sin of witchcraft. This sin aligns with darkness and evil spirits, which Satan has rule over. A spirit of disobedience works against God’s authority. Pushing out the umbrella of God’s blessings, provision, and protection.

Partaker of God’s Word

Sitting in my room reading God’s word,
Its not just something I heard,
Its something I experienced,
I’m so glad,
Cause God has given me deliverance,
He focused my spiritual eyes,
So my chance to be accepted in heaven,
Will not pass me by.
I give him glory from my heart and soul,
Cause there’s no circumstances beyond his control.
In life I only have one goal,
To build a beautiful pure house for God within my soul.
He keeps me so comfortable,
His humbleness is so reasonable,
His power is so incredible,
So, to me, He’s unforgettable.
He’s my God and your God too,
You better take heed to what he can do.
Take heed to what you can do also,
Accept God in your heart,
Cause we’re not promised tomorrow.

I Believe in You

Why was I so blind by this world,
It made me think I was doing things on my own,
When all along You were helping me make it,
Now I’m full of joy because I was proven wrong.
You’ve been carrying me through life since the day of birth,
It’s by your grace I still exist on this earth,
You’ve worked miracles in others in the midst of my eyes,
But, by me loving the things of this cruel world,
I never cared to realize.
But, I do now,
Cause you’ve worked one in me,
Making me a child in Christ,
And giving me a spiritual family.
You show me love in all circumstances,
To show my faith in you,
I’ll be patient and take my chances,
I look at my experiences,
And it leaves me with something so true to say,
I was fool not to believe in you,
But now, I will until I pass away.