Spiritual Landmines (Part 1)

The danger of these devices that lie beneath the surface of the heart, is that they deceive. They smoother freedom. And cause damage to our relationships, spiritual faith, and maturity. We harbor and hold them close. Giving them power to destroy us and others if we don’t deal with them once we detect them. The following are examples of landmines that I have encountered in my own life. They serve as a beginning place of self-examination for any growing Christian.

Cherished Sin

“If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:8-10).
Ezekiel 18:30 “Repent, and turn from all your transgressions, so that iniquity will not be your ruin.” When we cover our sin it destroys us from the inside out. This is not always immediate. Over time we find ourselves deteriorating in many ways. The hunger for the word of God diminishes, and we lose our “emotional” connection with the Lord. We grow cold to his presence, any break our fellowship.
Sin causes a breach between us and God, if it goes un-confessed. Like a wall, it causes division. The reality is, that wall separates us from God. See, on one side of the wall is God and on the other side is us. And the middle is that sin, starring both us and God in the face. Add to that the guilt that causes us to hid from the Lord, like Adam in the Garden of Eden.
“ Come let us reason together, though your sins be like scarlet, they will be as white as snow, though they are red like crimson, they will be like wool” (Isaiah 1:18).
God is always ready to forgive. When we confess something we give it up or uncover it. Say “Here it is God”. To repent means to turn and walk away from. When we do these, the word of God promises that “the blood of Jesus, his son, will cleanse us”, and we will have restoration. The holy spirit will always show us any sin in our lives that we need to deal with. It is then our choice to come to the Lord. Do not cherish sin; do not regard iniquity in your heart. Be willing to let go of any thing that would hinder your walk in the Lord.


When someone hurts or offends us we can choose to keep a record of that wrong. In our mind, we account a description of that offense: the time, date, and name of the individual who did it to us. Often rehearsing it over and over. We may reinforce the experience by comparing it with other negative memories. Driving it deeper into our hearts. The danger is that over time, it turns into bitterness. Un-forgiveness can cause us emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual anguish. It will be uncomfortable learning to forgive. But it brings freedom. It releases those who are “indebted” to us from a debt that they could never repay. It releases us from the baggage we would carry, and makes the pathway of our hearts open to healing. This healing can be great or small depending on the degree of pain caused. Forgiveness is not denial. Although God commands us to forgive others, it is always, always our choice.

Wrong Motives

Motives can be either good or bad. Bad motives drive the flesh, and not characteristic of God’s Spirit. They lead us to violate God’s moral laws. Why do you do what you do? Does it please man or God? Appearances is the word that comes to mind when thinking of the word “motives”. A person can appear to be one thing, but the whole time actually be something else. Something can appear to be good for you, but the whole time be the thing that causes you death. Motives start in the heart. What is your motivation? The heart can be very deceitful. Always present your heart to the Lord. His word is sharp and weighs our thoughts and intentions (Hebrew 4:12). Our motives compels us. We can position ourselves to love, compassion, goodness, or faithfulness. When our motives are off we can misuse or abuse for our own pleasure or gain. They can also cause certain prays to go unanswered. Wrong motives can lead us to greed, pride, selfishness, self-glory, or revenge to get what we want. We must discern our motives by holding our hearts out in the light of His word. If not, we will go down paths away from God.

Disobedience (Rebellion)

Disobedience is knowing what is right and refusing it. When a person is resistant, they are choosing to follow their own way over God’s way. God has laws-truth that he expects us to follow, and when we refuse his ways we are rebellious. Rebellion is an act of defiance. It is the hardened (stubborn) heart that blocks truth. It does not submit to God’s authority. God considers disobedience or rebellion as the sin of witchcraft. This sin aligns with darkness and evil spirits, which Satan has rule over. A spirit of disobedience works against God’s authority. Pushing out the umbrella of God’s blessings, provision, and protection.