Spirtual Landmines (Part 2)

The danger of these devices that lie beneath the surface of the heart, is that they deceive. They smoother freedom. And cause damage to our relationships, spiritual faith, and maturity.  We harbor and hold them close. Giving them power to destroy us and others if we don’t deal with them once we detect them. The following are examples of landmines that I have encountered in my own life. They serve as a beginning place of self-examination for any growing Christian.

Spirit of Pride (Arrogance)

Exaggerated image of self. Overconfidence. Presumptuous. Conceited. These are a few words that describe the one who is full of pride or arrogance. They will “leap without looking”. They know what is best for them and will not seek counsel from another, and refuse wisdom. They esteem themselves higher than others. Pride is not the same as being proud. A person who is proud feels a sense of accomplishment when he or she has attained a certain goal. They realize the efforts and hard work it took to get there, not only theirs but through the help of others. The spiritual minded person will know it was by God’s grace, guidance and provision. A person filled with pride will feel that he or she made it alone. Arrogant people will reflect themselves, and not the glory of God. 

Unchecked Appetites and Affections

A appetite is a desire or craving. You can crave a certain thing (like food) and will seek something to fill that desire. You are going to look for the fulfillment of that which you are desiring. Desires can be good or bad. Seeking fulfillment can take you down a path to right or wrong, good or evil. James says that our desires drive us to give in to our temptations. Do you desire that which is good or that which is evil? They that hunger and thirst for righteousness meet righteousness. Is your thirst for God and are you letting him fill it? 

Prayer-less (Unpreparedness)

We commune with God through prayer. Prayer is a way to have conversation, but also to experience worship of God. In prayer we can offer thanksgiving, make requests, and receive instructions. Prayer is an exercise of faith. The one who comes to God must believe that he exists and that he is a rewarder of those who seek him (diligently). Prayer develops patience. We must position ourselves to hear his answers to our requests. This can take time to learn. Prayer is a weapon of spiritual warfare. We can make intercession for ourselves and others. Through it, we seek God’s wisdom on how to handle situations. To prepare something is to make ready before hand or in advance. Prayer will prepare us for what is to come and accept the will of God. The word of God encourages us to be alert- watch as well as pray. A prayer-less life is a reckless and careless life. We have privilege to come before a living God who will hear and answer us. We have to make time to pray. Which often requires laying aside all excuses and pulling away from all distractions. 

Unhealthy Connections

Unhealthy bonds create ties. Sometimes we have close knit friendships that keep us from growing in the Lord. If relationships are unhealthy, they cause us to compromise. We can choose friendships based on many things. But, danger lies beneath relationships normalizing a sinful lifestyle. Bad company corrupts good character. Move away unhealthy connections. Draw closer to believers who will encourage you to walk in God’s grace.  Influencing you to do good works.